Tuesday, October 30, 2012

coach The shower ceased

The shower ceased, but the darkness continued. He had too well marked however the bent of his journey during the continuance of the day, to permit this to be any considerable obstacle. In the mean time it doubled and rendered more affecting the stilness of the night. Nothing was to be heard but the low whispers of the falling breeze, and the murmurs of the prowling wolf that now languished and died away upon the ear. This was the moment in which magic lords it supreme, in which the goblin breaks forth from his confinement, and ranges unlimited in the nether globe; and in which all that is regular and all that is beautiful give place to the hunger of the savage brute, and the witcheries of the sorcerer. But Roderic was otherwise engaged. His heart was employed in inventing guile, and was lulled into unapprehensive security. But Edwin was heroic. His bosom swelled with the most generous purposes; and he trusted unwaveringly in that guardianship that is every where present, and that eye that never slumbers.
He entered the walls of the enchanted castle. The novelty of the appearance of a stranger within the circle of those mountains, which no vulgar mortal had yet penetrated, the dignity of his appearance, and the boldness of his manner, at first distracted the attendants from the performance of that, which might have seemed most natural in their situation, and awed them into passiveness. He still wore that flowing and graceful garb, which was appropriated by the inhabitants of Clwyd to the celebration of public solemnities. He had passed through the midst of the shower, and yet one thread of his garment was not moistened with the impetuousness of its descent. His face wore a more beautiful and roseat glow than was native to its complexion. His eye was full of animation and expressiveness. Expectation, and hope, and dignity, and resolution had their entire effect in his appearance. “It is a celestial spirit!” cried they. “It is a messenger from the unseen regions!” and they sought in his person for the insignia that might confirm and establish their conjecture.
But such was not the imagination of Roderic. The master-guilt to which he was conscious, was ever ready to take the alarm upon any unexpected event; and he had immediately conjectured, by a kind of instinctive impression, who was this new and unwelcome guest. However unguarded and unprepared had been his retinue, they had recollected themselves sufficiently to detain Edwin in the avenue of the mansion, till they had received the orders of their lord. These were immediately communicated; and the magician withdrew himself till the proper period should arrive for his appearance to the swain.
Edwin, when he had entered the palace of Roderic, had been desirous, if it were possible, to push forward to the presence of his rival, without making any previous enquiries, or admitting of a moment’s pause. The frequency however of the domestics had disappointed his purpose, and he was detained by them in spite of his efforts. “What means,” cried he, “this violence? I must enter here. I will not be delayed. My purpose admits not of trifling and parley. To me every moment is big with fate.” He said. For Edwin disdained the employment of falsehood and disguise. He lifted the javelin in his hand, but his heart was too full of gentleness and humanity rashly to employ the instrument of death. His tone however was resolute, and his gesture commanding, and the astonished attendants were uncertain in what manner to conduct themselves.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

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Bones, his face scratched and bleeding, his uniform torn in a dozen places, came swiftly after him.
"My bird, I think," said Bones, and caught the child unscientifically.
Picture Bones with a baby under his arm--a baby indignant, outraged, infernally uncomfortable, and grimacing a yell into being.
"Lord," said M'bisibi, breathing quickly, "what do you seek?"
"That which I have," said Bones, waving him off with the black muzzle of his automatic Colt. "Tomorrow you shall answer for many crimes."
He backed quickly to the cover of the woods, scenting the trouble that was coming.
He heard the old man's roar.
"O people ... this white man will loose devils upon the land!"
Then a throwing spear snicked the trunk of a tree, and another, for there were no soldiers, and this congregation of exorcisers were mad with wrath at the thought of the evil which Tibbetti was preparing for them.
A spear struck Bones' boot.
"Shut your eyes, baby," said Bones, and fired into the brown. Then he ran for his life. Over roots and fallen trees he fell and stumbled, his tiny passenger yelling desperately.
"Oh, shut up!" snarled Bones, "what the dickens are you shouting about--hey? Haven't I saved your young life, you ungrateful little devil?"
Now and again he would stop to consult his illuminated compass. That the pursuit continued he knew, but he had the dubious satisfaction of knowing, too, that he had left the path and was in the forest.
Then he heard a faint shot, and another, and another, and grinned.
His pursuers had stumbled upon a party of Houssas.
From sheer exhaustion the baby had fallen asleep. Babies were confoundedly heavy--Bones had never observed the fact before, but with the strap of his sword belt he fashioned a sling that relieved him of some of the weight.
He took it easier now, for he knew M'bisibi's men would be frightened off. He rested for half an hour on the ground, and then came a snuffling leopard walking silently through the forest, betraying his presence only by the two green danger-lamps of his eyes.
Bones sat up and flourished his lamp upon the startled beast, which growled in fright, and went scampering through the forest like the great cat that he was.
The growl woke Bones' charge, and he awoke hungry and disinclined to further sleep without that inducement and comfort which his nurse was in no position to offer, whereupon Bones snuggled the whimpering child.
"He's a wicked old leopard!" he said, "to come and wake a child at this time of the night."
The knuckle of Bones' little finger soothed the baby, though it was a poor substitute for the nutriment it had every right to expect, and it whimpered itself to sleep.
Lieutenant Tibbetts looked at his compass again. He had located the shots to eastward, but he did not care to make a bee-line in that direction for fear of falling upon some of the enemy, whom he knew would be, at this time, making their way to the river.
For two hours before dawn he snatched a little sleep, and was awakened by a fierce tugging at his nose. He got up, laid the baby on the soft ground, and stood with arms akimbo, and his monocle firmly fixed, surveying his noisy companion.

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One by one, the Provinces of the Empire were hauled up and baited, hit and held, lashed under the belly, and forced back on their haunches for the amusement of their new masters in the parish of Westminster. One by one they fell away, sore and angry, to compare stripes with each other at the ends of the uneasy earth. Even so the Gihon Hunt, like Abu Hussein in the old days, did not understand. Then it reached them through the Press that they habitually flogged to death good revenue-paying cultivators who neglected to stop earths; but that the few, the very few who did not die under hippohide whips soaked in copperas, walked about on their gangrenous ankle-bones, and were known in derision as the Mudir’s Cranes. The charges were vouched for in the House of Commons by a Mr. Lethabie Groombride, who had formed a Committee, and was disseminating literature: The Province groaned; the Inspector — now an Inspector of Inspectors — whistled. He had forgotten the gentleman who sputtered in people’s faces.
“He shouldn’t have looked so like Beagle-boy!” was his sole defence when he met the Governor at breakfast on the steamer after a meet.
“You shouldn’t have joked with an animal of that class,” said Peter the Governor. “Look what Farag has brought me!”
It was a pamphlet, signed on behalf of a Committee by a lady secretary, but composed by some person who thoroughly understood the language of the Province. After telling the tale of the beatings, it recommended all the beaten to institute criminal proceedings against their Governor, and, as soon as might be, to rise against English oppression and tyranny. Such documents were new in Ethiopia in those days.
The Inspector read the last half page. “But — but,” he stammered, “this is impossible. White men don’t write this sort of stuff.”
“Don’t they, just?” said the Governor. “They get made Cabinet Ministers for doing it too. I went home last year. I know.”
“It’ll blow over,” said the Inspector weakly.
“Not it. Groombride is coming down here to investigate the matter in a few days.”
“For himself?”
“The Imperial Government’s behind him. Perhaps you’d like to look t my orders.” The Governor laid down an uncoded cable. The whiplash to it ran: “You will afford Mr. Groombride every facility for his inquiry, and will be held responsible that no obstacles are put in his way to the fullest possible examination of any witnesses which he may consider necessary. He will be accompanied by his own interpreter, who must not be tampered with.”
“That’s to me — Governor of the Province!” said Peter the Governor.
“It seems about enough,” the Inspector answered.
Farag, kennel-huntsman, entered the saloon, as was his privilege.
“My uncle, who was beaten by the Father of Waterwheels, would approach, O Excellency,” he said, “and there are others on the bank.”
“Admit,” said the Governor.
There tramped aboard sheikhs and villagers to the number of seventeen. In each man’s hand was a copy of the pamphlet; in each man’s eye terror and uneasiness of the sort that Governors spend and are spent to clear away. Farag’s uncle, now Sheikh of the village, spoke: “It is written in this book, Excellency, that the beatings whereby we hold our lands are all valueless. It is written that every man who received such a beating from the Father of Waterwheels who slow the Emirs, should instantly begin a lawsuit, because the title to his land is not valid.”

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Harry saw in it a direct attempt against himself and his father, or even against the engineer.
Chapter 6 Simon Ford's Experiment
THE old clock in the cottage struck one as James Starr and his two companions went out. A dim light penetrated through the ventilating shaft into the glade. Harry's lamp was not necessary here, but it would very soon be of use, for the old overman was about to conduct the engineer to the very end of the Dochart pit.
After following the principal gallery for a distance of two miles, the three explorers--for, as will be seen, this was a regular exploration--arrived at the entrance of a narrow tunnel. It was like a nave, the roof of which rested on woodwork, covered with white moss. It followed very nearly the line traced by the course of the river Forth, fifteen hundred feet above.
"So we are going to the end of the last vein?" said James Starr.

"Ay! You know the mine well still."
"Well, Simon," returned the engineer, "it will be difficult to go further than that, if I don't mistake."
"Yes, indeed, Mr. Starr. That was where our picks tore out the last bit of coal in the seam. I remember it as if it were yesterday. I myself gave that last blow, and it re-echoed in my heart more dismally than on the rock. Only sandstone and schist were round us after that, and when the truck rolled towards the shaft, I followed, with my heart as full as though it were a funeral. It seemed to me that the soul of the mine was going with it."
The gravity with which the old man uttered these words impressed the engineer, who was not far from sharing his sentiments. They were those of the sailor who leaves his disabled vessel--of the proprietor who sees the house of his ancestors pulled down. He pressed Ford's hand; but now the latter seized that of the engineer, and, wringing it:
"That day we were all of us mistaken," he exclaimed. "No! The old mine was not dead. It was not a corpse that the miners abandoned; and I dare to assert, Mr. Starr, that its heart beats still."
"Speak, Ford! Have you discovered a new vein?" cried the engineer, unable to contain himself. "I know you have! Your letter could mean nothing else."
"Mr. Starr," said Simon Ford, "I did not wish to tell any man but yourself."
"And you did quite right, Ford. But tell me how, by what signs, are you sure?"
"Listen, sir!" resumed Simon. "It is not a seam that I have found."
"What is it, then?"
"Only positive proof that such a seam exists."
"And the proof?"
"Could fire-damp issue from the bowels of the earth if coal was not there to produce it?"
"No, certainly not!" replied the engineer. "No coal, no fire-damp. No effects without a cause."
"Just as no smoke without fire."
"And have you recognized the presence of light carburetted hydrogen?"
"An old miner could not be deceived," answered Ford. "I have met with our old enemy, the fire-damp!"

"But suppose it was another gas," said Starr. "Firedamp is almost without smell, and colorless. It only really betrays its presence by an explosion."
"Mr. Starr," said Simon Ford, "will you let me tell you what I have done? Harry had once or twice observed something remarkable in his excursions to the west end of the mine. Fire, which suddenly went out, sometimes appeared along the face of the rock or on the embankment of the further galleries. How those flames were lighted, I could not and cannot say. But they were evidently owing to the presence of fire-damp, and to me fire-damp means a vein of coal."

Saturday, October 27, 2012

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Former Gaming Hall of Fame inductees include famous Las Vegas entertainers such as Sir Tom Jones, Frank Sinatra, Siegfried and Roy and more and industry developers including William Harrah, William Boyd, Donald Trump and more. Here you can read about some of the most notable Gaming Hall of Fame past inductees.

1) Steve Wynn, the Chairman and CEO of Wynn Resorts is honored for his part in making Las Vegas into one of the top resort destinations in the world. Wynn has been serving in several executive positions in the gaming entertainment industry since the 1960s. Prior to founding Wynn Resorts, Wynn had opened the Treasure Island Hotel and Casino and Bellagio in Las Vegas and spent 27 years as chairman of the board for Mirage Resorts.

2) Alessandro Stratta, the Executive Chef of the elite Las Vegas restaurant Alex, is honored for bringing his top culinary skills to Las Vegas. Since arriving to Las Vegas in 1998, every restaurant that Stratta had served as an executive chef received the AAA Five Diamond Award. Before opening Alex in 2005, Stratta worked as an executive chef at the Renoir at The Mirage. He had gained his experience by serving at some of the top establishments in the world including the Stanford Court Hotel in San Francisco to the Hotel du Paris and Louis XV in Monaco.

3) Franco Dragone of Dragone Group is honored for being one of the top entertainment innovators in the worlds entertainment industry. Dragone is responsible for introducing Las Vegas casino visitors to spectacular shows such as Le Cirque Reinvent, La Magie Continue, Nouvelle Experience, La Nouba and Las Vegas exclusives Mystere and O. Most recently Dragone had created the exclusive Le Reve for Wynn Las Vegas, which featured visual theater, artistic performance and special multimedia effects.

4) In 1989 William F. Harrah, the founder of Harrahs Entertainment received the Industry Leader Award. The first Harrahs casino was opened in Reno, Nevada in 1937. Since then, Harrahs became a leading casino entertainment company with over 40 properties in three countries. William F. Harrah was the first casino owner in the United States to host shows by African American entertainers. In 2000, Harrahs Entertainment won the first achievement award in the Gaming Hall of Fame history for promoting responsible gaming.

5) In 1990, Benny Binion wad inducted to the Gaming Hall of Fame as a casino gaming industry leader. At the same year, he was inducted to the Poker Hall of Fame. By creating the World Series of Poker, Binion has major part in turning poker into the popular game it is today.

6) Frank Sinatra was the first entertainer to enter the Gaming Hall of Fame in 1997, a year before his death. Since then, several entertainers were inducted to Gaming Hall of Fame. One of them is the singer songwriter Paul Anka, who had received the 2001 Entertainment Award by the American Gaming Association. Anka was awarded for his successful performances in casinos statewide for almost five decades.

Since 1989, the American casino gaming industry honors some its selected members by inducting them into the Gaming Hall of Fame. The 18th annual Gaming Hall of Fame charity dinner and induction ceremony will take place at Wynn Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas on November 15, 2006 and will benefit the National Center for Responsible Gaming. The Gaming Hall of Fame purpose is to honor people who contributed to the reputation of the American casino entertainment world. The 18th annual Gaming Hall of Fame charity dinner and induction ceremony is organized by the American Gaming Association. The AGA purpose is to widen the understating of the gaming entertainment industry among the American public.

Former Gaming Hall of Fame inductees include famous Las Vegas entertainers such as Sir Tom Jones, Frank Sinatra, Siegfried and Roy and more and industry developers including William Harrah, William Boyd, Donald Trump and more. Here you can read about some of the most notable Gaming Hall of Fame past inductees.

1) Steve Wynn, the Chairman and CEO of Wynn Resorts is honored for his part in making Las Vegas into one of the top resort destinations in the world. Wynn has been serving in several executive positions in the gaming entertainment industry since the 1960s. Prior to founding Wynn Resorts, Wynn had opened the Treasure Island Hotel and Casino and Bellagio in Las Vegas and spent 27 years as chairman of the board for Mirage Resorts.

2) Alessandro Stratta, the Executive Chef of the elite Las Vegas restaurant Alex, is honored for bringing his top culinary skills to Las Vegas. Since arriving to Las Vegas in 1998, every restaurant that Stratta had served as an executive chef received the AAA Five Diamond Award. Before opening Alex in 2005, Stratta worked as an executive chef at the Renoir at The Mirage. He had gained his experience by serving at some of the top establishments in the world including the Stanford Court Hotel in San Francisco to the Hotel du Paris and Louis XV in Monaco.

3) Franco Dragone of Dragone Group is honored for being one of the top entertainment innovators in the worlds entertainment industry. Dragone is responsible for introducing Las Vegas casino visitors to spectacular shows such as Le Cirque Reinvent, La Magie Continue, Nouvelle Experience, La Nouba and Las Vegas exclusives Mystere and O. Most recently Dragone had created the exclusive Le Reve for Wynn Las Vegas, which featured visual theater, artistic performance and special multimedia effects.

4) In 1989 William F. Harrah, the founder of Harrahs Entertainment received the Industry Leader Award. The first Harrahs casino was opened in Reno, Nevada in 1937. Since then, Harrahs became a leading casino entertainment company with over 40 properties in three countries. William F. Harrah was the first casino owner in the United States to host shows by African American entertainers. In 2000, Harrahs Entertainment won the first achievement award in the Gaming Hall of Fame history for promoting responsible gaming.

5) In 1990, Benny Binion wad inducted to the Gaming Hall of Fame as a casino gaming industry leader. At the same year, he was inducted to the Poker Hall of Fame. By creating the World Series of Poker, Binion has major part in turning poker into the popular game it is today.

6) Frank Sinatra was the first entertainer to enter the Gaming Hall of Fame in 1997, a year before his death. Since then, several entertainers were inducted to Gaming Hall of Fame. One of them is the singer songwriter Paul Anka, who had received the 2001 Entertainment Award by the American Gaming Association. Anka was awarded for his successful performances in casinos statewide for almost five decades.

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Part 5 Chapter 2
Notwithstanding my misanthropy I had to see a few people on account of all these Royalist affairs which I couldn’t very well drop, and in truth did not wish to drop. They were my excuse for remaining in Europe, which somehow I had not the strength of mind to leave for the West Indies, or elsewhere. On the other hand, my adventurous pursuit kept me in contact with the sea where I found occupation, protection, consolation, the mental relief of grappling with concrete problems, the sanity one acquires from close contact with simple mankind, a little self-confidence born from the dealings with the elemental powers of nature. I couldn’t give all that up. And besides all this was related to Dona Rita. I had, as it were, received it all from her own hand, from that hand the clasp of which was as frank as a man’s and yet conveyed a unique sensation. The very memory of it would go through me like a wave of heat. It was over that hand that we first got into the habit of quarrelling, with the irritability of sufferers from some obscure pain and yet half unconscious of their disease. Rita’s own spirit hovered over the troubled waters of Legitimity. But as to the sound of the four magic letters of her name I was not very likely to hear it fall sweetly on my ear. For instance, the distinguished personality in the world of finance with whom I had to confer several times, alluded to the irresistible seduction of the power which reigned over my heart and my mind; which had a mysterious and unforgettable face, the brilliance of sunshine together with the unfathomable splendour of the night as — Madame de Lastaola. That’s how that steel-grey man called the greatest mystery of the universe. When uttering that assumed name he would make for himself a guardedly solemn and reserved face as though he were afraid lest I should presume to smile, lest he himself should venture to smile, and the sacred formality of our relations should be outraged beyond mending.
He would refer in a studiously grave tone to Madame de Lastaola’s wishes, plans, activities, instructions, movements; or picking up a letter from the usual litter of paper found on such men’s desks, glance at it to refresh his memory; and, while the very sight of the handwriting would make my lips go dry, would ask me in a bloodless voice whether perchance I had “a direct communication from — er — Paris lately.” And there would be other maddening circumstances connected with those visits. He would treat me as a serious person having a clear view of certain eventualities, while at the very moment my vision could see nothing but streaming across the wall at his back, abundant and misty, unearthly and adorable, a mass of tawny hair that seemed to have hot sparks tangled in it. Another nuisance was the atmosphere of Royalism, of Legitimacy, that pervaded the room, thin as air, intangible, as though no Legitimist of flesh and blood had ever existed to the man’s mind except perhaps myself. He, of course, was just simply a banker, a very distinguished, a very influential, and a very impeccable banker. He persisted also in deferring to my judgment and sense with an over-emphasis called out by his perpetual surprise at my youth. Though he had seen me many times (I even knew his wife) he could never get over my immature age. He himself was born about fifty years old, all complete, with his iron-grey whiskers and his bilious eyes, which he had the habit of frequently closing during a conversation. On one occasion he said to me. “By the by, the Marquis of Villarel is here for a time. He inquired after you the last time he called on me. May I let him know that you are in town?”

Thursday, October 25, 2012

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“Monsieur George!”
That of course was not my name. It served me then as it will serve for this story. In all sorts of strange places I was alluded to as “that young gentleman they call Monsieur George.” Orders came from “Monsieur George” to men who nodded knowingly. Events pivoted about “Monsieur George.” I haven’t the slightest doubt that in the dark and tortuous streets of the old Town there were fingers pointed at my back: there goes “Monsieur George.” I had been introduced discreetly to several considerable persons as “Monsieur George.” I had learned to answer to the name quite naturally; and to simplify matters I was also “Monsieur George” in the street of the Consuls and in the Villa on the Prado. I verify believe that at that time I had the feeling that the name of George really belonged to me. I waited for what the girl had to say. I had to wait some time, though during that silence she gave no sign of distress or agitation. It was for her obviously a moment of reflection. Her lips were compressed a little in a characteristic, capable manner. I looked at her with a friendliness I really felt towards her slight, unattractive, and dependable person.
“Well,” I said at last, rather amused by this mental hesitation. I never took it for anything else. I was sure it was not distrust. She appreciated men and things and events solely in relation to Dona Rita’s welfare and safety. And as to that I believed myself above suspicion. At last she spoke.
“Madame is not happy.” This information was given to me not emotionally but as it were officially. It hadn’t even a tone of warning. A mere statement. Without waiting to see the effect she opened the dining-room door, not to announce my name in the usual way but to go in and shut it behind her. In that short moment I heard no voices inside. Not a sound reached me while the door remained shut; but in a few seconds it came open again and Rose stood aside to let me pass.
Then I heard something: Dona Rita’s voice raised a little on an impatient note (a very, very rare thing) finishing some phrase of protest with the words “ . . . Of no consequence.”
I heard them as I would have heard any other words, for she had that kind of voice which carries a long distance. But the maid’s statement occupied all my mind. “Madame n’est pas heureuse.” It had a dreadful precision . . . “Not happy . . .” This unhappiness had almost a concrete form — something resembling a horrid bat. I was tired, excited, and generally overwrought. My head felt empty. What were the appearances of unhappiness? I was still naive enough to associate them with tears, lamentations, extraordinary attitudes of the body and some sort of facial distortion, all very dreadful to behold. I didn’t know what I should see; but in what I did see there was nothing startling, at any rate from that nursery point of view which apparently I had not yet outgrown.
With immense relief the apprehensive child within me beheld Captain Blunt warming his back at the more distant of the two fireplaces; and as to Dona Rita there was nothing extraordinary in her attitude either, except perhaps that her hair was all loose about her shoulders. I hadn’t the slightest doubt they had been riding together that morning, but she, with her impatience of all costume (and yet she could dress herself admirably and wore her dresses triumphantly), had divested herself of her riding habit and sat cross-legged enfolded in that ample blue robe like a young savage chieftain in a blanket. It covered her very feet. And before the normal fixity of her enigmatical eyes the smoke of the cigarette ascended ceremonially, straight up, in a slender spiral.

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At Baltimore, nothing.
At London, Paris, Constantinople, Berlin, nothing, not the least shock.
Mr. John Milne, standing in his coal mine at Shamokui with a seismometer which he had arranged there, did not note the least abnormal movement in the earth’s shell in this part of the globe. In Baltimore the heavens were cloudy and it was impossible to note in the apparent movement of the stars any derangement which would have indicated the change in the earth’s axis.
What a night J.T. Maston passed in his place of safety which was unknown to all save Mrs. Evangelina Scorbitt! He was beside himself, this visionary engineer. He could not rest in his place of hiding. He seemed to have grown old in one day and looked sharply out to see if the daily course of the sun was modified. This would have been a certain proof of the success of his work. This change could not be seen even on the morning of the 23d of September, because at this date the star invariably rises in the east for all points of the globe. The next day the sun travelled over the horizon the same as it had always done.
The European delegates had assembled on the platform of their hotel. They had by their side instruments of extreme precision which would enable them to note if the sun took a course in the direction of the equator.
Well, nothing changed. A few minutes after the rising of the sun the great disc inclined away towards the Australian hemisphere. Nothing was changed in its apparent course.
Major Donellan and his associates saluted the heavenly torch with enthusiastic hurrahs, and gave it a reception like a favorite star in the theatre. The heavens were in superb condition, the horizon free from the vapors of the night, never did the great sun-god present a more beautiful aspect in such splendid condition before the astonished public. “And precisely at the place marked by the laws of astronomy,” said Eric Baldenak.
“Yes by our old astronomy,” said Boris Karkof, “and these fools pretended to destroy it.”
“Well, they will have their expenses to pay and ridicule to endure besides,” added Jacques Jansen, by whose voice Holland seemed to speak all alone.
“And the Arctic regions will eternally stay under the ice as they have discovered,” said Prof. Jan Harald.
“Hurrah for the sun,” said Major Donellan. “Such as it is, it has been and always will be sufficient for our earth.”
“Hurrah, hurrah,” repeated in single voice the representatives of old Europe. At this moment Dean Toodrink, who had not said anything so far, made this very cautious remark:
But perhaps they did not shoot yet.
“Not shoot yet,” said the Major. “Heaven grant that they have fired off the cannon twice rather than once.”
And that was exactly what J. T. Maston and Mrs. Evangelina Scorbitt were saying.
The wise and the ignorant were united this time by the logic of the situation. Even Alcide Pierdeux repeated it, and added: “Even if they did shoot, what is the difference? The earth will not stop waltzing on its old axis and turning as it used to do.”
In fact no one knew what had happened at Kilimanjaro. But at the close of the day an answer came to the question which was engrossing the attention of mankind.

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Ann Veronica had come to the Imperial College obsessed by the great figure of Russell, by the part he had played in the Darwinian controversies, and by the resolute effect of the grim-lipped, yellow, leonine face beneath the mane of silvery hair. Capes was rather a discovery. Capes was something superadded. Russell burned like a beacon, but Capes illuminated by darting flashes and threw light, even if it was but momentary light, into a hundred corners that Russell left steadfastly in the shade.
Capes was an exceptionally fair man of two or three-and-thirty, so ruddily blond that it was a mercy he had escaped light eyelashes, and with a minor but by no means contemptible reputation of his own. He talked at the blackboard in a pleasant, very slightly lisping voice with a curious spontaneity, and was sometimes very clumsy in his exposition, and sometimes very vivid. He dissected rather awkwardly and hurriedly, but, on the whole, effectively, and drew with an impatient directness that made up in significance what it lacked in precision. Across the blackboard the colored chalks flew like flights of variously tinted rockets as diagram after diagram flickered into being.
There happened that year to be an unusual proportion of girls and women in the advanced laboratory, perhaps because the class as a whole was an exceptionally small one. It numbered nine, and four of these were women students. As a consequence of its small size, it was possible to get along with the work on a much easier and more colloquial footing than a larger class would have permitted. And a custom had grown up of a general tea at four o’clock, under the auspices of a Miss Garvice, a tall and graceful girl of distinguished intellectual incompetence, in whom the hostess instinct seemed to be abnormally developed.
Capes would come to these teas; he evidently liked to come, and he would appear in the doorway of the preparation-room, a pleasing note of shyness in his manner, hovering for an invitation.
From the first, Ann Veronica found him an exceptionally interesting man. To begin with, he struck her as being the most variable person she had ever encountered. At times he was brilliant and masterful, talked round and over every one, and would have been domineering if he had not been extraordinarily kindly; at times he was almost monosyllabic, and defeated Miss Garvice’s most skilful attempts to draw him out. Sometimes he was obviously irritable and uncomfortable and unfortunate in his efforts to seem at ease. And sometimes he overflowed with a peculiarly malignant wit that played, with devastating effect, upon any topics that had the courage to face it. Ann Veronica’s experiences of men had been among more stable types — Teddy, who was always absurd; her father, who was always authoritative and sentimental; Manning, who was always Manning. And most of the others she had met had, she felt, the same steadfastness. Goopes, she was sure was always high-browed and slow and Socratic. And Ramage too — about Ramage there would always be that air of avidity, that air of knowledge and inquiry, the mixture of things in his talk that were rather good with things that were rather poor. But one could not count with any confidence upon Capes.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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She murmured “Alexandre!” two or three times in succession; then she wrote upon a blank sheet:
“M. and Mme. Alexandre du Roy de Cantel announce the marriage of their son, M. Georges du Roy de Cantel with Mme. Forestier.”
She examined her writing, and, charmed with the effect, exclaimed: “With a little method one can succeed in anything.”
When Georges reached the street resolved to call himself, henceforth, “Du Roy,” or even “Du Roy de Cantel,” it seemed to him that he was of more importance. He swaggered more boldly, held his head more erect and walked as he thought gentlemen should. He felt a desire to inform the passers-by, “My name is Du Roy de Cantel.”
Scarcely had he entered his apartments when the thought of Mme. de Marelle rendered him uneasy, and he wrote to her immediately, appointing a meeting for the following day.
“It will be hard,” thought he. “There will be a quarrel surely.”
The next morning he received a telegram from Madame, informing him that she would be with him at one o’clock. He awaited her impatiently, determined to confess at once and afterward to argue with her, to tell her that he could not remain a bachelor indefinitely, and that, as M. de Marelle persisted in living, he had been compelled to choose some one else as a legal companion. When the bell rang, his heart gave a bound.
Mme. de Marelle entered and cast herself into his arms, saying: “Good afternoon, Bel-Ami.” Perceiving that his embrace was colder than usual, she glanced up at him and asked: “What ails you?”
“Take a seat,” said he. “We must talk seriously.”
She seated herself without removing her hat, and waited. He cast down his eyes; he was preparing to commence.
Finally he said slowly: “My dear friend, you see that I am very much perplexed, very sad, and very much embarrassed by what I have to confess to you. I love you; I love you with all my heart, and the fear of giving you pain grieves me more than what I have to tell you.”
She turned pale, trembled, and asked: “What is it? Tell me quickly.”
He said sadly but resolutely: “I am going to be married.”
She sighed like one about to lose consciousness; then she gasped, but did not speak.
He continued: “You cannot imagine how much I suffered before taking that resolution. But I have neither position nor money. I am alone in Paris, I must have near me some one who can counsel, comfort, and support me. What I need is an associate, an ally, and I have found one!” He paused, hoping that she would reply, expecting an outburst of furious rage, reproaches, and insults. She pressed her hand to her heart and breathed with difficulty. He took the hand resting on the arm of the chair, but she drew it away and murmured as if stupefied: “Oh, my God!”
He fell upon his knees before her, without, however, venturing to touch her, more moved by her silence than he would have been by her anger.
“Clo, my little Clo, you understand my position. Oh, if I could have married you, what happiness it would have afforded me! But you were married! What could I do? Just think of it! I must make my way in the world and I can never do so as long as I have no domestic ties. If you knew. There are days when I should like to kill your husband.” He spoke in a low, seductive voice. He saw two tears gather in Mme. de Marelle’s eyes and trickle slowly down her cheeks. He whispered: “Do not weep, Clo, do not weep, I beseech you. You break my heart.”

Sunday, October 21, 2012

chanel watches A good movie can only be appreciated if it is understood properly

A good movie can only be appreciated if it is understood properly. If I had to choose the most important aspect that makes a movie valuable, I would definitely have to say that the dialogue between the characters of the movie is very important. Of course, the actors that star in the movie, the scenery, the props or the make- up, all these are important aspects in a good movie, but when it comes down to just one aspect, the dialogue is the most important one. It is true that great actors or famous actors make movies sell, but is it not also true that great actors choose to star in movies that focus on great dialogues? That being the case, would you not appreciate the movie at its real value by fully understanding the dialogues?

One of the conditions of understanding the dialogue between the characters in a movie is having a good subtitle, ondertitels in Dutch. This is the first reason for downloading subtitles. Even if you know the language used in the movie, as long as it is not your native language, problems may appear in understanding the connotation of some words and this is where a good subtitle comes in handy. Not being able to understand the language in the movie is all the more reason to download subtitles, for how can you understand a movie if you do not know what the characters are saying? This can be considered the number two reason for downloading subtitles or ondertitels, in Dutch. These two reasons go hand in hand. If you do not understand the language spoken in the movie, then you will probably get some idea of what it is about, but you will miss out on important aspects of the film you are watching and this considerably diminishes your appreciation of the movie. On the other hand, if you understand the language, but it is not your native language, the dialogue may have words with other meanings than the ones you know or slang may be used, and, in this case, it would be hard for you to properly understand the whole dialogue and again this can lead to diminished appreciation of the movie or even to not liking the movie at all. To solve these problems, all you have to do is download subtitles for the movies you are about to watch.

The third reason why you should download subtitles is to improve your grammar. Let us suppose the language of the movie you are about to watch poses no problems to you. It is either your language or you know the language very well and you do not need any ondertitels, subtitles in Dutch, to understand the movie. Well, you can use a good subtitle to perfect your grammar and even learn a new language. This can be considered reason number four. It is much easier to learn to write in a certain language as long as you hear the words being uttered and immediately see how they are written.

Of course, there are more than four reasons why you should download subtitles and use ondertitels when you are watching a movie. Lots of reasons can be found and I have pointed out the ones that I believe to be the top ones. As long as you know a good subtitle site and you have access to good subtitles, why not use them?

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I Hate Writing Articles - Isn't There An Easier Way?!

Owning, running and maintaining an internet based business or a site needs articles. Plain and simple, every who has a site knows this. Even those who don抰 have sites but are frequent internet users knows this as well. Articles quench the thirst for information and knowledge of the people. Plus, the articles provides many other benefits for the site.

The benefits that articles provide are putting a site high in the ranking in search results of keywords and keyword phrases that pertains or are relevant to his or her site. They also provide attraction to website visitors when they are appreciated and is linked to your site from another site or newsletter. Articles provide for the increase of the confidence and trust levels of customers to your site and company.

Many articles are also beneficial to both company and its traffic. When the readers like the articles, they would tell more of their friends, family and peers and recommend your site to them, providing for a larger volume of traffic. You get bigger sales if your traffic trusts and believes in you. Your product or services would be much easier to sell when they know you know what you are doing and talking about.

So ok, we have established that articles are very important to a site and to business. Articles are crucial and to keep ahead in the game, a site must have an article, it is imperative. There is one dilemma though, not many people like writing articles.

Many website owners would rather spend their time on something else, and unless you抮e a big time company, you don抰 have the necessary resources to use on a pool of article writers. Plagiarism or copying of other articles is frowned upon and could easily get you into trouble, worst case scenario; a hefty fine and jail time.

So what are the other options?

Well, for starters if you hate writing articles and you can抰 afford to hire people to write for you then don抰. Get free articles. The first place to look at for free articles is the public domain. Here you won抰 have problems with copyright infringement and the following penalties and fines if you get caught for plagiarism.

Public domain articles are articles freely given to the public for public use. You can do whatever you want with it. You can place it on your site, name it as yours, put it in a newsletter its you decision. Always remember though that you will have to choose articles that is very relevant to your site.

The downside to public domain articles is that since it is free for everybody, many of your competitors may have access to them as well. Since every site needs to be original and unique even though you have the same niche, this could be a predicament. You may also have to edit them a bit to place more keywords and keyword phrases to make them better.

Another way to get free articles is to allow other sites which has the same subject or topic as yours to submit articles to your site. This would be only to augment your existing content or else all your articles would be leading to other sites since these articles would have resource boxes with them that could link or direct the readers to their site. That抯 why it is important to have your own articles; you cold use them to link your site to other sites as well.

Friday, October 19, 2012

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Healthy Aging Starts with Stress Reduction

People are often unaware of what stress can do to their body and mind. Stress is bad for the heart. Stress will give you headaches, or make you feel depressed. Stress can do many harmful things to your body and mind, yet in some instances stress is good. Balancing stress is the key to living healthier.

If you live with unhealthy stress, you will need to take action to reduce the volume. You have many options to relieve stress.

Where does stress come from?
Stress develops from many different things. For instance, bills can cause you stress. Not paying your bills on time due to lack of funds can cause stress. Not having a job or kids can stress you out to the max. In addition, bad relationships can wear on your nerves.

What can you do to get some relief from stress?
Some of the things that may help you to find relief from stress include reading a good book. Wrap yourself up in a warm blanket or cool area depending on the weather and enjoy a good book. Writing is one of the top keys that help you to reduce stress. When you are overloaded with stress, write down your feelings, emotions, thoughts and so on. Writing is a great exercise, put it to good use. Avoid overdoing it, so that you learn to enjoy writing rather than feeling frustrated at the thought of writing.

You could also enjoy a nice hot, bubble bath. Add some candles around the tub, soak and enjoy. There are many ways that people can find relief from stress; you have to decide on the best way for you to find that relief. Go with whatever works best for you.

If you cant find a way to do it on your own perhaps you can visit your family doctor, a counselor, friend or family member that will guide you to reducing your stress. Support is a great tool. Build up a support group that helps you live healthier, rather than wearing you down.

What does stress do to my body?
Stress will do a lot to your body if you let it. It will control your emotions, thoughts, actions, behaviors, bodily functions and so on. If you allow stress to control you, it will bring you down to nothing, making you feel worthless. Stress can do a lot of damage to your body as well as your mind.

What can I do so I am not so stressed?
Stress can be reduced by minimizing bad habits. Try paying your bills on time if possible. If you cannot pay your bills on time due to insufficient funds, pay enough to avoid shut-off notices. You may want to setup a budget so that you spend wisely. Help is only a phone call away as well. Pick up your phone book, talk to people in your area, etc, since you just may find money available to help those with low-income pay bills.

Another good way to avoid stress is to stay away from those who drag you down. If you have friends or family members feeding you negativity, let them go and find positive friends instead. Sometimes tough love is our way of saying, �I�ve had enough.�

In addition, you can learn to eat healthy, exercise and put away those things that wear on your health. For instance, if you smoke, drink excessively, use drugs, etc, you are wearing heavily on your nerves. Put these things behind you if possible; otherwise seek help to put these things behind you. You have many options; check your resources to learn what is available to you.

LV Outlet Gardening Tools - An Overview I think you know very well about the rules and regulations t

Gardening Tools - An Overview

I think you know very well about the rules and regulations to keep your plants to grow healthy in your garden. For getting sustainable growth of your garden plants you do require good soil quality, sunlight and sufficient water. Although these items have been gifted by nature, you ought to require modern gardening tools to upkeep your garden in a good state. Gardening tools help a lot in taking care of your plants as well as the good growing conditions and positive effect on your plant’s health.

Defective gardening tools might have cause injury on your plants or cut your plants or totally plug your plants from the soil. In order to prevent the occurrence of such untoward incident, it is a must to look for the best gardening tools, which will provide your plants loving tender care. Once you called a tool as ‘Best gardening tools”, it refers to a tool, which will permit labor saving methods and that allows energy efficiency.

Here you can see some of the best gardening tools available in the market to provide a better care than ever for your plants in the garden.

Luxus Push Reel Mower rated as best by the gardening aficionados provides large top cover that protects overhanging flowers and shrubs. Another special gardening tool called American Lawn Mower Deluxe has also been accredited as best which will be helpful to operate on elbow grease alone and also causing no pollution. But this is not conducive for too tall grasses.

Garden Shredders
In general all the garden shredders have a high power motor and come with a silent crushing system. This kind of gardening tool used to accelerate your shredding activity.
Garden shredders with electric shredder is an easy to assemble gardening tool, which aids in tree pruning with maximum of 40 mm and making healthy hedges. This gardening tool is considered to be a best among all the garden shredders since it is available with a plunger for increased portability and built-in wheels.

These modern gardening tools are available with patented tines to help in cutting the hard compacted soil smoothly. Cultivators are available with a free border edger. It is perfect to use in cleaning the moss, aerating and in thatching. This garden tool helps extensively in preparing vegetable plots, flowerbeds, etc.,

Leaf sweeper
These gardening tools are extensively used for smaller lawns. It is having an infinite height adjustment with 200-liter collector.

Edge Trimmer
This gardening tool has also been accredited as important equipment by the gardening equipment reviewers. This aids in trimming the hedges and also aids in plant pruning.

Spading fork
This is a wonderful gardening tool used for aerating and transplanting. By using this gardening tool it is possible to perform splitting grasses and perennials. In addition to this these gardening tools helps a lot as the job of a manure fork, mulch, sorting hay, for tiny gardens.

Mattock is an important gardening tool for breaking up the clay soils and also working around established trees with the roots. There is no need to have a pick and a hoe and handles in your garden, if you are having mattock with you.

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Divorce - How to rebuild your life - about the house in your name
Usually in a divorce, the couple that is divorcing needs to make the decision about who is going to keep the house. They need to work this out on their own or make sure that the courts address it. You have to make the decision about what will be done with the property. There are many different options and it is important to make sure that the decision is best for everyone involved.
In a divorce it is usually determined what is going to be done with the house. You can either sell it and split the profits between the two people that are getting divorced if they own it, one person can offer to let the other one have it, or the other party will buy out the ex spouse. It will depend on how the divorce is settled to determine this decision. It is always better when things are worked out easily, but sometimes this is not possible and the couple will have to seek the help from an attorney or court system.
If you are the one that is ready to take on the challenge of keeping the home, you will want to make sure of a few things first. You will want to be certain that you can take on the mortgage payments. You will have to decide if this is a payment that you can afford each month. You must make sure that you have thought about your income now that you are divorced and what you will be able to afford.
You will also want to think about the fact if you really do want the house or not. You have to want the house because it is where you want to stay and not just be the winner of the house to spite the other person. You have to get through these feelings and then determine if this is where you want to stay and rebuild your life after the divorce.
Sometimes it is better for the couples to decide if they should sell the house or not. It is important to think about the financial security that you have in time and think about what you can afford to loose and gain in the situation. Do you really want to start your new life over in a house that you once shared with your ex? Is this the house that you grew up in and want to keep it for sentimental value, or do you want to make sure that your children are raised in the home that they know and love? These are a few of things that sometimes people need to think about and have the right answers for when it comes time to decide what to do with the house.
If you are the one to be leaving the house after a divorce, you will want to see how it will affect your credit. If your name is on the mortgage to the house, and your ex spouse does not pay, you will be responsible for the loan and your credit may suffer because of it. The lender wants their money no matter if you are living in the home or not. If you own money on the home it may also make it hard for you to go out and purchase your own home later on because of the outstanding balance on this one.
It will be important for you to either make arrangements with the ex that they are going to be faithful in paying the mortgage or have this documented in the divorce or you may just want to have them get your name off of the mortgage. This may require them to refinance the home in their name only so that you are not longer financially linked to the home. This is something that you will have to think about and make sure that you have everything set before the divorce is final. You want to protect yourself as well as keep things settled and peaceful with your ex.

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Must Have Accessories for All Backyard Activities

Backyard activities, there are literally an unlimited number of them. Whether you enjoy the water, playing sports, or just relaxing, there is likely at least one backyard activity that will appeal to you or to your family. While backyard activities are nice, there are many that require the purchase of equipment or additional accessories. If you are interested in participating in a popular backyard activity, you may want to first examine the equipment or supplies that you may need.

One popular backyard activity that many enjoy may not really even be considered an activity. When relaxing, many individuals are taking a small break. However, in addition to using relaxation as a break from many other activities, there are others who use it just for the purpose of taking in a piece environment. Many enjoy just sitting outside alone, reading a book, doing homework, or working on other projects. While it nice to relax outside, you will need to have the proper equipment. This equipment often includes patio or lawn furniture.

While patio and lawn furniture is most commonly used for relaxation, it is also important for other activities, such as eating or outdoor crafts. In fact, whether you regularly participate in backyard activities or not, it may be a good idea to have patio furniture on hand. If you do not already have lawn furniture, you may want to start looking for some. You can easily find a selection of patio sets or picnic tables online or at most retail stores. In addition to patio furniture, you may also want to bring a small pillow or blanket outside.

Depending on the amount of time you plan on staying in your backyard, you may also want to bring out a few snacks and drinks. Whenever you are outdoors, especially during the summer, it is important that you pick your drinks and snacks wisely. During the hot weather, you are advised to stay away from caffeinated beverages or sugary dinks. Instead of a sports drinks or soda, water may be a safer and healthier alternative. As with your drinks, you may also want to avoid snacks that are high in sugar.

Aside from lawn furniture and snacks, most of the other equipment and accessories you will need will depend on what you are doing. For instance, if you are planning on swimming, you will want to look into purchasing pool accessories and pool supplies. Depending on the type of pool you have, these supplies may include, but should not be limited to, pool toys, pool furniture, lifesaving devices, pool fixtures, and pool cleaning supplies. For more information on the accessories and supplies available for pools, you may want to visit the website of an online pool retailer or your local pool supply store.

Even if you are unable to have a pool, you can still enjoy a number of different backyard water activities. Many individuals, especially teenagers, enjoy playing with water balloons or water guns. For a more relaxed water activity, you may want to look into purchasing a water sprinkler. Water sprinklers are a nice alternative to swimming pools. In addition to purchasing water guns, water balloons, or a sprinkler, you may also need to purchase a garden hose. Garden hoses are available for sale at most retail stores, including hardware stores, sports stores, and traditional department stores.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

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Choosing the Best Shipment Company

Air freight and cargo have been important in the industry. They play a crucial role in providing business solutions and supporting the global chain. There are lots of air shipping companies that provide better services. But only a few of them can give you kind of service you want at a competitive shipping cost.

In choosing the best air freight company, you must understand first some important points before deciding for one. Below are some helpful points you should look for before dealing with an air freight company.

1. Look for the shipping benefits they offer. An air freight company should offer direct access or contact to an advanced cargo shipping network at a reasonable shipping price. They should give variety of integrated shipping services. And more importantly, the company must be supported by known air freight shipping companies in the shipping industry. Example of this big time air freight companies are the American airlines, Roadway Corporation and Kitty hawk.

2. Find out the shipping services available. Look for the shipping freight that will suit your needs. It must provide a complete line of transportation process, from pick up to delivery. The arrival of shipment must be ensured, and should not exceed 5 days. You can visit the website of the shipping freight to find out more of their products and shipping services. You can also talk directly to their customer care representatives.

3. Know the sizes of the cargo, the company accepts. Most would accept any shipment size, but practically you can save almost 50% on some shipments greater than 200 pounds.

4. Be economical in choosing the shipping company. You must be sure that you get the best service that�s worth your pay. Shipping companies must only compute for the transportation fee, the service level, and some factor like the time of the day and the day of the week. There are also additional fee such as the air freight tax, regulatory fees and some special services needed. It is vital to canvass first the shipping cost before dealing with such company.

5. Always check the shipment location of the air freight. Some would only offer seamless service to respective places.

6. Look for a company that provides easy access. There are some that needs online registration while others may require you to call their customer care. You can also apply for credit card so that you easily start shipping your products after registration. By doing these, you can won�t waste lots of time and effort.

7. Be sure that the company operates a 24/7 customer care service. This is important so that you can easily track your freight shipments by inquiring at the customer care center. It is always advisable that you track all shipments ensuring that they are visible all through the shipment transit. Check the status of your shipment from the pick up until you get the proof of delivery.

8. You can always create shipment reports. This is beneficial for you so that you can have an easy access of the summary of all the shipping you made.

Shipping can be convenient if you know how to choose the best shipping company. It is quality that counts. Opt for the air freight company that uses state of the art cargo engines with competitive shipping rates to provide chain needs and business solutions.


Discount Louis Vuitton Samsung G 400 Soul- The Fantabulous Clamshell With Five Mega Pixels Camera._2

In March 2008 Samsung electronics, a heading mobile phone and telecommunication provider announced the launch of Samsung G400 camera phone, the latest dual screen phone. The Samsung G400 camera phone acquires the look and experience of Samsung抯 exclusive product Soul with unique excellent exterior and graphical user interface design identity.

The Samsung G400 has been integrated with the latest imaging technology which is a 5 Megapixel camera. The phone has latest digital camera features such as automatic face detection, image stabilizer and Wide Dynamic Range (WDR). Users can relish Fast Internet access through the 7.2 Mbps High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) browser and share images or video taken with the phone. Users are also able to enjoy video telephony via HSDPA networks with the help of a sub camera.
Samsung G400 Camera Features include a 5 Megapixel Digital camera, Auto Focus, 4x digital zoom, Face detection, WDR optimizer, Image stabilizer.

The Samsung G400 camera phone also offers a new type of graphic user interfaces (GUI) which provides three different options for the users. With the GUI skins, the users can alter the UI according to their personal choices. Display skins can be customized with several selections such as background images, fonts and colors. Users also have an alternative of displaying wallpaper, analogue clock, digital clock, or calendar modes via the external display. Another adjoins on to all these features are the notification for the SMS/MMS and alarm or schedules on the large external display that can be viewed directly.

The Samsung G400 has an internal 2.22 TFT LCD display, in addition to that it has a 2.22" external full touch screen display. With the help of the large external touch screen display, users can easily operate all the multimedia features without opening the folder and a related feedback is given when the user makes use of the full touch screen. Normal phone operations can be employed using the internal display and all multimedia features which include FM radio, camera, music and photo album is done through the full touch external display.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

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The Disneyland Hotel

For the ultimate Disneyland vacation, you should
definitely stay at the Disneyland Resort Hotel. With
990 rooms in three high rise towers, this is the
original Disney Hotel, located in Downtown Disney.
If you want to truly experience all that Disneyland
has to offer, you must stay at the Disneyland Resort

The guest rooms in the Disneyland Hotel are
astounding. Offering standard rooms and suites,
each room has either a king size bed or two queen
size beds, room service, phones with voicemail, irons,
ironing boards, refrigerators, hairdryers, make up
mirrors, and safes. Cribs and roll away beds are
available, as well as smoking and non-smoking rooms.
The rooms are even sprinkled with Pixie Dust! For
families, the suites are highly recommended. Suites
contain one, two, or three bedrooms, and have all
of the amenities of a standard room as well.

The Concierge service at the Disneyland Hotel
cannot be topped. Concierge service entitles you to
priority check-in, admission to an exclusive lounge,
a continental breakfast, an evening wine and cheese
reception. Nightly turn-down service is included, as
well as DVD players and complimentary movies.
You will also have an unlimited supply of bottled
water and soft drinks. The Concierge serves to
make your vacation as enjoyable and trouble-free
as possible.

Disney touches are everywhere, and this is the
closest you can actually come to living in Never Land.
The swimming pool even has a Never Land theme,
and there are several cove pools and a sandy beach.
The hotel also features a children�s playground, a
volleyball court, and Koi fish ponds. The recreational
area encompasses a 5000 square foot area inspired
by Peter Pan. There are many scenic waterfalls,
tropical foliage, and mysterious caves on the property.
There is even a Team Mickey work out room full of
state-of-the-art gym equipment.

At the Disneyland Hotel, you will feel like your
Disney experience has truly already started as soon
as you walk in the door. This is where the famous
Goofy�s Kitchen is located, as well as The Captain�s
Galley, The Coffee House, Crocs Bits �n� Bites,
Granville�s Steak House, Hook�s Pointe, The Wine
Cellar, and The Lost Bar.

When you stay at the Disneyland Hotel, your
vacation continues even after a day of sight seeing
and attractions in the park. In fact, your Disneyland
vacation begins each and every morning when you
wake up in the Magic Kingdom that the Disneyland
Hotel represents.

(word count 405)


Discount Louis Vuitton ” he remarked at the defaced letter

“Damn!” he remarked at the defaced letter; and, taking a fresh sheet, he recopied what he had written. A certain irritation crept into his manner as he did so.
“I regret that you should ever have proposed it,” he went on.
He meditated, and began a new paragraph.
“The fact of it is, and this absurd project of yours only brings it to a head, you have begun to get hold of some very queer ideas about what a young lady in your position may or may not venture to do. I do not think you quite understand my ideals or what is becoming as between father and daughter. Your attitude to me —”
He fell into a brown study. It was so difficult to put precisely.
“— and your aunt —”
For a time he searched for the mot juste. Then he went on:
“— and, indeed, to most of the established things in life is, frankly, unsatisfactory. You are restless, aggressive, critical with all the crude unthinking criticism of youth. You have no grasp upon the essential facts of life (I pray God you never may), and in your rash ignorance you are prepared to dash into positions that may end in lifelong regret. The life of a young girl is set about with prowling pitfalls.”
He was arrested for a moment by an indistinct picture of Veronica reading this last sentence. But he was now too deeply moved to trace a certain unsatisfactoriness to its source in a mixture of metaphors. “Well,” he said, argumentatively, “it IS. That’s all about it. It’s time she knew.”
“The life of a young girl is set about with prowling pitfalls, from which she must be shielded at all costs.”
His lips tightened, and he frowned with solemn resolution.
“So long as I am your father, so long as your life is entrusted to my care, I feel bound by every obligation to use my authority to check this odd disposition of yours toward extravagant enterprises. A day will come when you will thank me. It is not, my dear Veronica, that I think there is any harm in you; there is not. But a girl is soiled not only by evil but by the proximity of evil, and a reputation for rashness may do her as serious an injury as really reprehensible conduct. So do please believe that in this matter I am acting for the best.”
He signed his name and reflected. Then he opened the study door and called “Mollie!” and returned to assume an attitude of authority on the hearthrug, before the blue flames and orange glow of the gas fire.
His sister appeared.
She was dressed in one of those complicated dresses that are all lace and work and confused patternings of black and purple and cream about the body, and she was in many ways a younger feminine version of the same theme as himself. She had the same sharp nose — which, indeed, only Ann Veronica, of all the family, had escaped. She carried herself well, whereas her brother slouched, and there was a certain aristocratic dignity about her that she had acquired through her long engagement to a curate of family, a scion of the Wiltshire Edmondshaws. He had died before they married, and when her brother became a widower she had come to his assistance and taken over much of the care of his youngest daughter. But from the first her rather old-fashioned conception of life had jarred with the suburban atmosphere, the High School spirit and the memories of the light and little Mrs. Stanley, whose family had been by any reckoning inconsiderable — to use the kindliest term. Miss Stanley had determined from the outset to have the warmest affection for her youngest niece and to be a second mother in her life — a second and a better one; but she had found much to battle with, and there was much in herself that Ann Veronica failed to understand. She came in now with an air of reserved solicitude.

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In slow and solid natures there is usually a touch of shamefacedness, and a sensitiveness to the breach of petty observances. Wilkin Flammock had been unmoved even to insensibility at the imputation of treason so lately cast upon him; but he coloured high, and was confused, while, hastily throwing on his cassock, he endeavoured, to conceal the dishabille in which he had been surprised by the Lady Eveline. Not so his daughter. Proud of her father’s zeal, her eye gleamed from him to her mistress with a look of triumph, which seemed to say, “And this faithful follower is he who was suspected of treachery!”
Eveline’s own bosom made her the same reproach; and anxious to atone for her momentary doubt of his fidelity, she offered for his acceptance a ring of value; “in small amends,” she said, “of a momentary misconstruction.” “It needs not, lady,” said Flammock, with his usual bluntness, “unless I have the freedom to bestow the gaud on Rose; for I think she was grieved enough at that which moved me little,— as why should it?”
“Dispose of it as thou wilt,” said Eveline; “the stone it bears is as true as thine own faith.”
Here Eveline paused, and looking on the broad expanded plain which extended between the site of the castle and the river, observed how silent and still the morning was rising over what had so lately been a scene of such extensive slaughter.
“It will not be so long,” answered Flammock; “we shall have noise enough, and that nearer to our ears than yesterday.”
“Which way lie the enemy?” said Eveline; “methinks I can spy neither tents nor pavilions.”
“They use none, lady,” answered Wilkin Flammock. “Heaven has denied them the grace and knowledge to weave linen enough for such a purpose — Yonder they lie on both sides of the river, covered with nought but their white mantles. Would one think that a host of thieves and cut-throats could look so like the finest object in nature — a well-spread bleaching-field!— Hark!— hark — the wasps are beginning to buzz; they will soon be plying their stings.”
In fact, there was heard among the Welsh army a low and indistinct murmur, like that of
“Bees alarmed and arming in their hives.”
Terrified at the hollow menacing sound, which grew louder every moment, Rose, who had all the irritability of a sensitive temperament, clung to her father’s arm, saying, in a terrified whisper, “It is like the sound of the sea the night before the great inundation.”
“And it betokens too rough weather for woman to be abroad in,” said Flammock. “Go to your chamber, Lady Eveline, if it be your will — and go you too, Roschen — God bless you both — ye do but keep us idle here.”
And, indeed, conscious that she had done all that was incumbent upon her, and fearful lest the chill which she felt creeping over her own heart should infect others, Eveline took her vassal’s advice, and withdrew slowly to her own apartment, often casting back her eye to the place where the Welsh, now drawn out and under arms, were advancing their ridgy battalions, like the waves of an approaching tide.
The Prince of Powys had, with considerable military skill, adopted a plan of attack suitable to the fiery genius of his followers, and calculated to alarm on every point the feeble garrison.

cheap lv handbags sale Top 3 Broadway Show Reviews For Fans Of Musicals_19468

A trip to New York City for entertainment should be all fun with little hassles. Broadway show reviews help to assure that a great time will be had. It sometimes gets confusing as to what the best show to see at any given time maybe. Currently there are some amazing musicals that any theater fan will fall in love. From such classic revivals as "South Pacific" to the latest Broadway sensation "Billy Elliot" there is something for everyone, including "Wicked", one of the most successful musicals in Broadway history.

Billy Elliot has been getting most of the attention on Broadway lately and some of the best Broadway show reviews from critics and fans alike. It keeps to a formula that always works well on Broadway with its story of triumph over adversity. Billy Elliot is a young boy who wants nothing more than to be a dancer. The adversity enters as he struggles with his towns old ways and trying to win the approval of his father. Following alongside the lines of what worked so well for "Les Miserables" the audience is left rooting Billy on with heart felt emotion. Great songs by Elton John along with some electric choreography make it a show to see. Billy Elliot achieved great admiration on London's West End where it won many awards and has done the same on Broadway.

When South Pacific came back to Broadway it was greeted with open arms. One of the most respected musicals of its time and from what many consider to be the most important time period for Broadway. The revival sticks to its roots of drama, comedy and heart with strong stories out of the World War II era. The musical does not miss a beat and is as capturing and relevant with its story telling as it was when it first opened. The story may be what captivates audiences but do not underestimate it's beautiful music and swelling melodies along with lovely orchestrations. South Pacific took home the 2008 Tony Award for Best Revival and is the best show playing on Broadway to many.

It is difficult to create a top list of Broadway show reviews and not place "Wicked" somewhere within it. Wicked has become the most successful Broadway musical from a financial aspect, but it does earn its stripes. It is not by coincidence that it is constantly the top box office grossing production. Fans of the show appear more enthusiastic over it then do the reviewers but the story, music and production are astounding. Based on the original book which tells the prequel to "The Wizard Of Oz" and centers around the two witches as young girls. It exposes their relationship as well as dissimilarities of character at such a young age. Unlike the book which becomes rather dark the Musical keep's thing in a brighter hue. Wicked is an exceptional pick for families as well as the adult's and with the music of Stephen Schwartz the show will be spoken about for sometime.

Finding a Broadway show can sometimes be confusing to do. Arts are always left to point of view, some love the large productions while others feel the "real" Broadway lie with the small original productions. One element that assures a show is great? Its longevity at the box office. These three Broadway show reviews are based on just that, the majority rule. I would find it hard to believe that anyone who loves musicals would find any fault with any of these superb shows.


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Google Adsense: What is Google Adsense for Search

Google Adsense for Search is different than Adsense for Content but it is just as important to your earning power with the Google Adsense program.

Just like Adsense for Content places targeted ads on your content pages, Adsense for Search places targeted ads on the results page of the search set in motion on your page.

You can use the standard Google search box on your site and the user can then search the web or even your site. When you feel more comfortable, you can change the look of the Google search box, essentially customizing it by changing the colors and using your logo.

The best thing about Google Adsense for Search is that you can track what your visitors are searching for. That is, if the search has two or more hits. Unique queries will not be tracked. But you can see the top 25 searches performed from your website by clicking on the Advance Report from the Reports tab and specifying a date range.

Word Count 175

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

chanel watches Sag Awards 2011- 憈he King抯 Speech-Wins Best Ensemble, Actor_3408

慣he King抯 Speech?was the big winner at the 17th Annual Screen Actors Guild awards, held Sunday night in Los Angeles. The Oscar frontrunner ?which was awarded the Directors Guild of America prize on Saturday ?took home two awards, for Outstanding Ensemble and Outstanding Leading Actor for star Colin Firth.

Meanwhile, 態lack Swan?beauty Natalie Portman continued her sweep of the precursor awards, taking home the SAG for Outstanding Leading Actress. Portman has already won a Critics?Choice and Golden Globe ?among other awards ?for her portrayal of paranoid ballerina Nina Sayres in the Darren Aronofsky thriller.

In the supporting categories, it was a clean sweep for the boxing drama 慣he Fighter,?as co-stars Christian Bale and Melissa Leo won Outstanding Supporting Actor and Outstanding Supporting Actress, respectively.

All four actors are heavy favorites heading into the 83rd annual Oscars, airing Feb. 27 on ABC.

The ceremony kicked off with the award for Outstanding Actor in a Drama Series, which went to a 搗ery nervous?Steve Buscemi for his performance on HBO抯 態oardwalk Empire.?br />
態oardwalk Empire?also won the award for Outstanding Ensemble in a Drama Series, ousting expected winner 慚ad Men.?br />
Meanwhile, Julianna Margulies took home her second-consecutive award in the Outstanding Actress in a Drama Series category for her critically acclaimed turn as Alicia Florrick on 慣he Good Wife.?br />
On the comedy side, Alec Baldwin was once again awarded Oustanding Actor in a Comedy, marking his fifth-straight win in the category and 14th nomination overall, while Betty White won Outstanding Actress in a Comedy for 慔ot in Cleveland.?br />
慚odern Family?won Outstanding Ensemble in a Comedy Series, beating last year抯 winner 慓lee.?br />
Rounding out the television categories were Al Pacino, who won the Outstanding Actor in a TV Movie or Miniseries award for 慪ou Don抰 Know Jack,?and Outstanding Actress in a TV Movie or Miniseries winner Claire Danes (慣emple Grandin?.

Earlier in the ceremony, Oscar-winning actor Ernest Borgnine, 94, was given a lifetime achievement award for his contributions to movies and television.


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Options for Booking Your Next Mexico Vacation

Are you interested in vacationing in Mexico? If you are, have you already made your vacation plans? If not, you will have to start making those plans soon. When it comes to scheduling a Mexico vacation, you have a nubmer of different ways to make your reservations. You may be wondering which method is the best.

Booking a Mexico vacation is similar to booking a vacation anywhere else in the world. Before making reservations, you will have to select a vacation destination. Mexico is a large area that has a number of popular tourist attractions. If you are interested in vacationing at a well-known resort, booking your vacation may be easy. The most well-known vacation destinations in Mexico include beach resorts and golf resorts.

If you are interested in staying a resort, it is likely that the resort will have an online website. Many popular resorts in Mexico allow you to make and pay for your reservations online. If you are pressed for time or are looking for a simple way to book your Mexico vacation reservations, you may find this method of booking the best.

While beach and golf resorts are popular in Mexico, they are not the only place that you can stay while on vacation. Many individuals prefer to stay at a traditional hotel. Staying at on offshore hotel or dinning at an offshore restaurant is a cheaper alternative to vacationing at a resort. To book online reservations at these locations, you will have to find a well-known restaurant or a well-known hotel. The more popular a facility is, the more likely they will be to allow the online booking of reservations.

In addition to making your reservations online directly with a hotel, restaurant, or resort, you can use the services of an online travel website. Many online travel websites are also known as discount travel websites. This is because many of the sites offer valuable savings and discounts to internet users. Popular travel websites include Obtitz, Expedia, and Travelocity. With a discount travel website, it may be possible for you to book your travel accommodations and overnight accommodations all at once.

Many individuals enjoy booking their own vacations because it gives them the ability to have some freedom. While there are a nubmer of benefits to planning and scheduling your own vacation, it is often a time consuming process. If you are interested in seeking assistance, you may want to obtain the services of a travel agent. Travel agents can not only offer you Mexico vacation suggestions, but they can also make all of your reservations for you.

If your vacation destination is centered in an area that is not known as a tourist attraction, you may have a more difficult time making your reservations. This is because many unknown hotels, restaurants, golf courses, and resorts do not allow the online booking of reservations. To make a reservation you will most likely have to contact the golf course, restaurant, or hotel directly. If you are unable to find the information, you may want to obtain the services of a professional travel agent.

Whether you book your own reservations or you use the assistance of a travel agent, your vacation can be scheduled with ease. Once you make the appropriate reservations, you can begin preparing for your Mexico adventure.


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Discount Louis Vuitton Study Abroad - Tips For Selecting The Suitable Program_2040

The trend of studying abroad among Americans has increased recently; and why shouldn’t it, international students have enjoyed tremendous benefits of studying abroad for quite a while and this has attracted more and more students to study abroad. It is one of the best experiences a student can have! You learn using a different point of view and, sometimes, a different style of teaching than you get here in the U.S.

A variety of study abroad programs are at your disposal these days, just be careful in finding the appropriate one for your interests. Here are some handy suggestions that will make your studying abroad experience comfortable and memorable.

Most of us English speakers find it easier to adjust in an English speaking nation. If there is no language barrier the transition becomes easier. I would recommend you to feel comfortable when you travel overseas by heading to an English speaking destination. Chose the program that offers the country you want to go for.

Studying Abroad opens a whole new world of possibilities. There are countless benefits that a student will gain from the experience and the diversity. Don't let lack of information hold you back. Read up about your destination and enhance your study abroad experience. Ask your program to provide you with adequate write ups to know about your study abroad destination in advance.

Semester and year-long options exist and you should go with whatever suits you. You will be spending a lot of time in your home country so benefit from this opportunity to get out and about.

And if you are one of those who just love to travel and explore new things, go for a multi-location abroad program. They are out there for you to find and enjoy.

In choosing a program, get all the details regarding credits transfer, find out if your school will accept the credits. If not, you might want to consider another program or face a later graduation date.

Cost is also a consideration, as many students are on a budget. You'll want to look closely at the costs of different programs, including what is covered in the "sticker price" of the program. Are meals included? Is lodging included? What about Travel expenses etc. Make sure you are comparing apples to apples when you compare prices among study abroad programs.

While considering cost, take a look at the prospects for scholarships and financial aid for different programs also. Some programs offer generous financial aid for students, while others will expect most students to foot the entire bill. Keep your eyes open and explore different possibilities of getting scholar ship and financial aid. It could even be from some external source as there are a lot of sponsors who help students study abroad.

You should also explore work options at your study abroad destination. There are many possibilities out there if you know where to look. When you find what you are looking for, Studying Abroad can be a wonderful experience.

Academic Studies Abroad is a great place to get you started on your study abroad quest. Check out their destinations and available programs on their website. Hundreds of students have used this site as their guide when it comes to study abroad.


Sunday, October 14, 2012

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Depreciation is a term we hear about frequently, but don't really understand. It's an essential component of accounting however. Depreciation is an expense that's recorded at the same time and in the same period as other accounts. Long-term operating assets that are not held for sale in the course of business are called fixed assets. Fixed assets include buildings, machinery, office equipment, vehicles, computers and other equipment. It can also include items such as shelves and cabinets. Depreciation refers to spreading out the cost of a fixed asset over the years of its useful life to a business, instead of charging the entire cost to expense in the year the asset was purchased. That way, each year that the equipment or asset is used bears a share of the total cost. As an example, cars and trucks are typically depreciated over five years. The idea is to charge a fraction of the total cost to depreciation expense during each of the five years, rather than just the first year.

Depreciation applies only to fixed assets that you actually buy, not those you rent or lease. Depreciation is a real expense, but not necessarily a cash outlay expense in the year it's recorded. The cash outlay does actually occur when the fixed asset is acquired, but is recorded over a period of time.

Depreciation is different from other expenses. It is deducted from sales revenue to determine profit, but the depreciation expense recorded in a reporting period doesn't require any true cash outlay during that period. Depreciation expense is that portion of the total cost of a business's fixed assets that is allocated to the period to record the cost of using the assets during period. The higher the total cost of a business's fixed assets, then the higher its depreciation expense.


lv wallets You can join various salsa classes in order to learn different types of salsa dance

You can join various salsa classes in order to learn different types of salsa dance. This dance which originally comes from Cuba has been the subject of much scrutiny and intense devotion from its numerous and loyal following.

The variations of salsa dance are broad. Some dances use only solo performances. Others are in groups. Still others, in pairs. Salsa is a continuously evolving dance that is why it is not surprising if one encounters different styles of dancing it.

Part of the reason for this is geography. The geographic area of the dancer may dictate to some extent the moves or elements in a salsa dance. For instance, different countries or regions may have different ways of interpreting the footwork. The figures and turns may also vary as the dance is performed in the salsa class.

Los Angeles Salsa Dance Style

Los Angeles salsa manifests a lot of influence from the mambo and Argentine tango. What makes it unique is that much emphasis is put on the first step and the two elements of salsa are combined ?forward backward and cross-body lead. This salsa style demands a number of dips, splits, turns, spins, flips and jumps from the dancers. Technical knowledge of salsa is a major requirement of Los Angeles style.

New York Salsa

New York Salsa was introduced in the 1960s by the Cuban immigrants. The style was later combined with mambo and New York jazz and swing.

Salsa music often makes use of percussion instruments. It is known for its up tempo. The second beat is the point of emphasis not the first unlike Los Angeles salsa. Timing of moves and use of body waves, shimmying and free style intensify the dance style. New York salsa style is often used by dancers found in US east coast, Central America and Puerto Rico.

Cuban Salsa Style or Casino

Cuban or Casino style utilizes circular movements and various patterns of arm and body motion. This dance is suitable for both upbeat and downbeat tempos. Upbeat makes use of two, four, six and eight beats. Downbeat makes use of the odd beats or one, three, five and seven beats.

The principal element of this kind of salsa dance is the various adjustments the dancers make to be able to perform the turn patterns.

During the percussion part of the dance, the partners do the solo acts. Each partner will try to entice each other using sexually charged dance moves like gyrations. No physical touching is involved. The Casino salsa is derived from the combination of Cuban Son dane and Afro-Cuban Rhumba.

Rueda de Casino Salsa Style

Rueda de Casino alternately known as Salsa Rueda or Casino Wheel Dance originally comes from Havana, Cuba. This kind of salsa dancing was introduced sometime in the 1950s. The major element of this type of salsa involves positioning dancers in a circle and then they follow the dance moves that are dictated by one leader. Partners are swapped in the dance. Rueda de Miami combines various dance moves from Rueda de Cuba and Los Angeles salsa.

Cali Salsa