Sunday, October 21, 2012

chanel watches A good movie can only be appreciated if it is understood properly

A good movie can only be appreciated if it is understood properly. If I had to choose the most important aspect that makes a movie valuable, I would definitely have to say that the dialogue between the characters of the movie is very important. Of course, the actors that star in the movie, the scenery, the props or the make- up, all these are important aspects in a good movie, but when it comes down to just one aspect, the dialogue is the most important one. It is true that great actors or famous actors make movies sell, but is it not also true that great actors choose to star in movies that focus on great dialogues? That being the case, would you not appreciate the movie at its real value by fully understanding the dialogues?

One of the conditions of understanding the dialogue between the characters in a movie is having a good subtitle, ondertitels in Dutch. This is the first reason for downloading subtitles. Even if you know the language used in the movie, as long as it is not your native language, problems may appear in understanding the connotation of some words and this is where a good subtitle comes in handy. Not being able to understand the language in the movie is all the more reason to download subtitles, for how can you understand a movie if you do not know what the characters are saying? This can be considered the number two reason for downloading subtitles or ondertitels, in Dutch. These two reasons go hand in hand. If you do not understand the language spoken in the movie, then you will probably get some idea of what it is about, but you will miss out on important aspects of the film you are watching and this considerably diminishes your appreciation of the movie. On the other hand, if you understand the language, but it is not your native language, the dialogue may have words with other meanings than the ones you know or slang may be used, and, in this case, it would be hard for you to properly understand the whole dialogue and again this can lead to diminished appreciation of the movie or even to not liking the movie at all. To solve these problems, all you have to do is download subtitles for the movies you are about to watch.

The third reason why you should download subtitles is to improve your grammar. Let us suppose the language of the movie you are about to watch poses no problems to you. It is either your language or you know the language very well and you do not need any ondertitels, subtitles in Dutch, to understand the movie. Well, you can use a good subtitle to perfect your grammar and even learn a new language. This can be considered reason number four. It is much easier to learn to write in a certain language as long as you hear the words being uttered and immediately see how they are written.

Of course, there are more than four reasons why you should download subtitles and use ondertitels when you are watching a movie. Lots of reasons can be found and I have pointed out the ones that I believe to be the top ones. As long as you know a good subtitle site and you have access to good subtitles, why not use them?

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