Sunday, November 25, 2012

He marched back towards the entrance

He marched back towards the entrance. The superinten-dent smiled.
“We owe this to you in great part, Mr. Freeman, sir. That young man—Mr. Farrow?—you remember you took a per-sonal interest in his coming to us?”
Mr. Freeman stopped. “Farrow—his first name is Sam?”
“I believe so, sir.”
“Bring him to me.”
“He came in at five o’clock, sir, especially to do it.”
Thus Sam was at last brought bashfully face to face with the great man.
“Excellent work, Farrow.”
Sam bowed deep. “It was my hutmost pleasure to do it, sir.”
“How much are we paying Farrow, Mr. Simpson?”
“Twenty-five shillings, sir.”
“Twenty-seven and sixpence.”
And he walked on before Sam could express his gratitude. Better was to come, for an envelope was handed to him when he went to collect his money at the end of the week. In it were three sovereigns and a card saying, “Bonus for zeal and invention.”
Now, only nine months later, his salary had risen to the giddy heights of thirty-two and sixpence; and he had a strong suspicion, since he had become an indispensable member of the window-dressing staff,fake uggs boots, that any time he asked for a rise he would get it.

Sam bought himself another and extraordinary supplement of gin and returned to his seat. The unhappy thing about him—a defect that his modern descendants in the publicity game have managed to get free of—was that he had a conscience ... or perhaps he had simply a feeling of unjus-tified happiness and good luck. The Faust myth is archetypal in civilized man; never mind that Sam’s civilization had not taught him enough even to know who Faust was, he was sufficiently sophisticated to have heard of pacts with the Devil and of the course they took. One did very well for a while, but one day the Devil would claim his own. Fortune is a hard taskmaster; it stimulates the imagination into foresee-ing its loss, and in strict relation, very often, to its kindness.
And it worried him, too, that he had never told Mary of what he had done. There were no other secrets between them; and he trusted her judgment. Every now and again his old longing to be his own master in his own shop would come back to him; was there not now proof of his natural apti-tude? But it was Mary,replica gucci wallets, with her sound rural sense of the best field to play, who gently—and once or twice, not so gently— sent him back to his Oxford Street grindstone.
Even if it was hardly yet reflected in their accents and use of the language, these two were rising in the world; and knew it. To Mary,nike shox torch 2, it was all like a dream. To be married to a man earning over thirty shillings a week! When her own father, the carter, had never risen above ten! To live in a house that cost £19 a year to rent!
And, most marvelous of all, to have recently been able to interview eleven lesser mortals for a post one had, only two years before, occupied oneself,ugg bailey button triplet 1873 boots! Why eleven? Mary, I am afraid, thought a large part of playing the mistress was being hard to please—a fallacy in which she copied the niece rather than the aunt. But then she also followed a procedure not unknown among young wives with good-looking young hus-bands. Her selection of a skivvy had been based very little on intelligence and efficiency; and very much on total unattractiveness. She told Sam she finally offered Harriet the six pounds a year because she felt sorry for her; it was not quite a lie.

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