Sunday, November 25, 2012

  Keep your promise

  "Keep your promise, dear," he answered, while the warlike expressionchanged to one of infinite tenderness.

  "What promise?""This;" and he held out his hand with a little paper in it. She sawit was a marriage license, and on it lay a wedding-ring,mont blanc pens. She did nothesitate an instant, but laid her own hand in his, and answered withher heart in her face:

  "I'll keep it, David.""I knew you would!" then holding her close he said in a tone thatmade it very hard for her to keep steady, as she had vowed she woulddo to the last: "I know it is much to ask, but I want to feel thatyou are mine before I go. Not only that, but it will be a help andprotection to you, dear, when you follow. As a married woman youwill get on better, as my wife you will be allowed to come to me ifI need you, and as my"--he stopped there, for he could not add--"asmy widow you will have my pension to support you."She understood, put both arms about his neck as if to keep him safe,and whispered fervently:

  "Nothing can part us any more, not even death; for love like ourswill last for ever.""Then you are quite willing to try the third great experiment?""Glad and proud to do it." "With no doubt,cheap designer handbags, no fear, to mar yourconsent." "Not one, David." "That's true love, Christie!"Then they stood quite still for a time, and in the silence the twohearts talked together in the sweet language no tongue can utter.

  Presently David said regretfully:

  "I meant it should be so different. I always planned that we'd bemarried some bright summer day, with many friends about us; thentake a happy little journey somewhere together, and come back tosettle down at home in the dear old way. Now it's all so hurried,sorrowful, and strange. A dull November day; no friends but Mr.

  Power, who will be here soon; no journey but my march to Washingtonalone; and no happy coming home together in this world perhaps. Canyou bear it, love?""Have no fear for me: I feel as if I could bear any thing just now,replica montblanc pens;for I've got into a heroic mood and I mean to keep so as long as Ican. I've always wanted to live in stirring times, to have a part ingreat deeds, to sacrifice and suffer something for a principle or aperson; and now I have my wish. I like it, David: it's a grand timeto live, a splendid chance to do and suffer; and I want to be in itheart and soul, and earn a little of the glory or the martyrdom thatwill come in the end. Surely I shall if I give you and myself to thecause; and I do it gladly, though I know that my heart has got toache as it never has ached yet, when my courage fails, as it will byand by, and my selfish soul counts the cost of my offering after theexcitement is over. Help me to be brave and strong, David: don't letme complain or regret, but show me what lies beyond, and teach me tobelieve that simply doing the right is reward and happiness enough."Christie was lifted out of herself for the moment, and lookedinspired by the high mood which was but the beginning of a noblerlife for her. David caught the exaltation, and gave no furtherthought to any thing but the duty of the hour, finding himselfstronger and braver for that long look into the illuminated face ofthe woman he loved,Designer Handbags.

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