Wednesday, November 21, 2012

“I told you

“I told you,” she said,UGG Clerance, her voice trembling just a bit. “I’ve never met him, and I think I would know.”
“Understand,” I said, “we’re not blaming you for anything. We know Michael was sick. Maybe his heart gave out while he was with you -”
“He was never a client,” Junie insisted. “I would have been honored, you know, but it just didn’t happen.”
Conklin turned off the dazzling smile, said, “Junie. Work with us and we’ll leave you and your business alone. Keep stonewalling us and vice is going to nail you to the wall.”
We played patty-cake with Junie for about two hours, using every legal technique in the book. We made her feel safe. We leaned on her, lied to her, reassured her, and threatened her. And after all that,fake montblanc pens, Junie still denied any knowledge of Michael Campion. In the end,Discount UGG Boots, I played our only card, slamming my hand down on the table for emphasis.
“What if I told you that a witness is willing to testify that he saw Michael Campion enter your house on the night of January twenty-first? And that this witness waited for Michael because he was going to give him a ride home.
“But that never happened, Junie, because Michael never left your house.”
“A witness? But that’s impossible,” said the young woman. “It has to be a mistake.”
I was desperate to crack open this one miserable lead, but we were getting no traction at all. I was starting to believe that Jacobi’s anonymous tipster was yet another crank caller - and I was seriously considering waking Jacobi and peppering him with a few choice words - when Junie looked down at the table. Her eyes were moist and her face seemed pinched, actually transformed by grief.
“You’re right, you’re right, and I can’t take this anymore. If you turn that thing off, I’ll tell you what happened.”
I exchanged startled looks with Conklin. Then I snapped out of it. I reached up to the video camera and switched it off. “You can’t go wrong if you tell us the truth,” I said, my heart going ga-lump, ga-lump.
I leaned forward, folded my hands on the table.
And Junie began to tell us everything.
Chapter 6
“IT HAPPENED just like you said,” Junie said, looking up at us with an anguished expression I read as fear and pain.
“Michael died?” I asked her. “He is, in fact, dead?”
“Can I start at the beginning?” Junie asked Conklin.
“Sure,” Rich told her. “Take your time.”
“See, I didn’t know who he was at first,” Junie said. “When Michael called to make the date, he gave me a fake name. So when I opened the door and there he was - oh, my God. The boy in the bubble. He’d come to see me!”
“What happened next?” I asked.
“He was really nervous,” Junie said. “Shifting from one foot to the other. Looking at the window like someone could be watching him. I offered him a drink, but he said no, he didn’t want to forget anything. He said that he was a virgin.”
Junie bowed her head and tears spilled out of her eyes,replica gucci handbags, dropped to the table. Conklin passed her the box of tissues, and we looked at each other in shock as we waited her out.
“A lot of boys are virgins when they come to me,” she said at last. “Sometimes they like to pretend that we’re having a date, and I make sure it’s the best date they ever had.”

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